
Pretty Filly

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Pics of Kingston

Here are some recent pictures of our new adoption, Kingston. Isn't he handsome?! We had to shave his tail because it was full of dreadlocks and there was no saving it. But it will grow back and look great, plus after the groomer he smells fantastic. Thanks Diane from Pretty Paws!

General animal updates

Well we were very fortunate and were able to adopt our newest addition about 2 weeks ago. Kingston is a very handsome Great Pyrenees that was found wandering the steets and had been shot by a pellet gun :( Thankfully it didn't do any serious damage, and he will never have to worry about that again. He's settling in nicely and getting along well with all of the other dogs. We'll be working on some physical therapy as he does have some hind end issues, but hopefully these will all be resolved with good nutrition, exercise, and love. I will be getting some pictures up shortly. I am also working on some new items to support the EFA charity of the month, WPSA for Haiti, so please come check them out on my Etsy shop. Also please help save three beautiful bulls from slaughter, see attached link. All animals lives are important and they deserve a chance at a happy peaceful life.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

New Pooch Scarf

I finished a new dog scarf, and beautiful Willow modeled for us. It's quite warm and a lovely color. I'll also be working on some designs for smaller dogs too! We have one of every size so I will have lots of good models to size on. I will also be working on some neckwarmers for the dogs too! Please check out the page and let me know what you think!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Grand Opening

Well I was able to get my shop up and running this evening and got my first couple of items listed. Please check them out, I'm doing free shipping through Valentine's Day. I am also currently working on a design for a dog scarf that will be funtional as well as cute. On another note we are currently going through the process of adopting our 5th dog, so let's hope that it works out!